Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One girl... One boy... a little tiff and one pesky screw!

Sometimes you need to step away from a problem in order to see a solution… but what happens when you are living in tight quarters and the furthest you can get away from a problem is 50 feet into the other room?

Last week D and I had a simple misunderstanding… well would have been simple minus the fact that I tend to get a little emotional at times. So the simply misunderstanding turned into a full blown tiff by the end of Saturday night. Now I think it’s normal for couples to argue, in fact I think it’s downright unhealthy if you don’t ever disagree. And D and I are better than most when we do argue, only about once every couple months do we actually have a full blown fight and when we do there aren’t any raised voices or angry words. We usually just talk it through, after I cry a little (ok a lot)… and somehow end up on the other side of it a stronger couple. But let me get back to Saturday night. There we were, stuck at an impasse, both of us had said what we had to say, all my tears had been shed and both stuck in our tiny little apartment. I hate to go to sleep angry or upset, so we sat there and just talked… and talked… and talked. Luckily it was just a little tiff and before we knew it we had talked it out, hugged it out and made up. But more than the talking it out, we really just needed to take a step away from the problem for a bit. And eventually we did, falling asleep both happy with our resolution, or really or non-resolutions. And you know what, for once just letting it go actually worked. We both woke up Sunday morning refreshed, and you remember that pesky little screw that was stuck in our wall? Apparently one of the tricks I tried to get it out managed to drill a nice little opening in that screw, and after a few nights of just letting that project rest D was able to easily remove both screws out of the wall… Now of course there are two little holes (ok maybe not so little) in the wall but with a little putty everything will be back to normal. And that kind of sums up D and my relationship, no matter what kind of little holes may end up in it, no matter how many screws will get stuck in the end just a little time, some team effort and a bit of patch work and it’s good as new….and maybe even a little better!

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